Pauri Garhwal

Pauri Garhwal is a district located in the state of Uttarakhand in northern India. It is one of the 13 districts of Uttarakhand and is situated in the Garhwal region. Pauri Garhwal is named after its headquarters town, Pauri, which is a picturesque hill station and serves as the administrative centre of the district.

Geographically, Pauri Garhwal is nestled in the lap of the Himalayas. It is surrounded by Tehri Garhwal district in the west, Chamoli district in the northeast, Rudraprayag district in the east, and Nainital district in the northwest. The district covers an area of approximately 5,369 square kilometres and is characterized by its stunning natural beauty, encompassing lofty mountains, deep valleys, dense forests, and glistening rivers.

Pauri Garhwal is blessed with a rich cultural heritage and is known for its traditional customs, festivals, and folklore. The district is primarily inhabited by the Garhwali people, who have their distinct language and traditions. The major religions practised in Pauri Garhwal are Hinduism. Tourism plays a significant role in the economy of Pauri Garhwal. The district has numerous scenic spots, pilgrimage sites, and trekking destinations.

Some of the popular tourist attractions in Pauri Garhwal include:

1. Khirsu: A serene hill station offering panoramic views of the Himalayas.
2. Chaukhamba Viewpoint: Provides breathtaking views of the Chaukhamba mountain range.
3. Kandoliya Temple: A revered temple dedicated to Goddess Sati, offering panoramic views of the Himalayan peaks.
4. Tara Kund: A sacred lake associated with Hindu mythology, located amidst dense forests.
5. Nag Dev Temple: A temple dedicated to the Snake God, located in the picturesque village of Satpuli.
6. Kyunkaleshwar Mahadev Temple: A famous Shiva temple known for its beautiful architecture.
7. Adwani Pauri Garhwal: A small village known for its apple orchards and scenic beauty.

Pauri Garhwal is also a gateway to several popular trekking routes and pilgrimage sites in the region. The famous trekking trails of Roopkund, Valley of Flowers, and Hemkund Sahib are easily accessible from Pauri Garhwal.

The district has a moderate climate, with pleasant summers and cold winters. Summer temperatures range from 20 to 35 degrees Celsius, while temperatures can drop to sub-zero levels in winter, especially in higher altitudes.

In terms of transportation, Pauri Garhwal is well-connected by road. The nearest railway station is Kotdwar, which is approximately 108 kilometres away, and the nearest airport is Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, located around 165 kilometres from Pauri.

Overall, Pauri Garhwal offers a tranquil and rejuvenating experience for nature lovers, adventure enthusiasts, and those seeking spiritual solace amidst the Himalayas. Its scenic beauty, cultural richness, and proximity to popular destinations make it a popular tourist destination in Uttarakhand.

Durga Devi Temple Kotdwar

Durga Devi Temple Kotdwar

दुर्गा देवी मंदिर कोटद्वार (Durga Devi Temple Kotdwar) उत्तराखंड के गढ़वाल मंडल के पौड़ी गढ़वाल जिले के कोटद्वार शहर में स्थित एक प्राचीन पौराणिक एवम् लोकप्रिय मंदिर है। यह मंदिर एक गुफा के अंदर स्थित है और जो की देवी दुर्गा माता जी को समर्पित है, दुर्गा देवी मंदिर को प्राचीनतम सिद्धपिठों में से एक माना […]

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Srinagar Beautiful Town Of Uttarakhand

Srinagar Garhwal

श्रीनगर (Srinagar Garhwal) यह बेहद सुंदर शहर (Beautiful Town Of Uttarakhand) किसी भी तरह से परिचय का मोहताज नहीं है। यह अलकनंदा नदी के किनारे अपनी ऊँचे हिमालय के शानदार नज़ारो के लिए पूरे गढ़वाल (Garhwal) में जाना जाता है। यह गढ़वाल पहाड़ियों में सबसे बड़ा शहर है। समुद्र तल से महज 560 मीटर की

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Pauri Garhwal

Pauri Garhwal

पौड़ी गढ़वाल (Pauri Garhwal) उत्तराखंड राज्य का एक जिला है। इसका मुख्यालय पौड़ी (Pauri) शहर में है, जो कि समुद्र तल से 1650 मीटर ऊपर स्थित एक खूबसूरत हिल स्टेशन है और यहाँ कंडोलिया पहाड़ी की ढाल पर स्थित है । इसे कभी-कभी गढ़वाल जिले के रूप में भी संदर्भित किया जाता है, हालांकि यह

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Kanvashram Birthplace of Emperor Bharat

Kanvashram Birthplace of Emperor Bharat

कण्वाश्रम (Kanvashram) उत्तराखण्ड में स्थित एक प्रसिद्ध धार्मिक स्थान है, जिसे सम्राट भरत की जन्मस्थली (Birthplace of Emperor Bharat) भी कहा जाता है। पौड़ी गढ़वाल (pauri gawhwal) जिले में कोटद्वार (Kotdwar) से 14 कि.मी. की दूरी पर शिवालिक पर्वत श्रेणी में हेमकूट और मणिकूट पर्वतों की गोद में स्थित ‘कण्वाश्रम’ ऐतिहासिक तथा पुरातात्विक दृष्टि से

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Dhari Devi Temple

Dhari Devi Temple

धारी देवी मंदिर (Dhari Devi Temple), उत्तराखंड में रहस्यमय और प्राचीन मंदिरों की कोई कमी नहीं है। एक ऐसा ही मंदिर माँ धारी देवी (Maa Dhari Devi Temple) का उत्तराखंड के पौड़ी गढ़वाल जिले के श्रीनगर से करीब 14 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित यह मंदिर अलकनंदा नदी (Alakananda River) के तट पर माँ काली

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