Importance of trees in our life: We not only get fruits, flowers, vegetables, tubers, roots, medicines, herbs, spices, grains, etc. from plants like trees, plants, vines, etc. Maintaining the balance of the environment also protects the rain, river, mountain, and sea.

Trees are very important for us. It is because of plants and trees that we can survive on this planet. Trees give out life-giving oxygen without making it possible for humans or other species to survive. However, this is not the only reason that trees are important to us. They have a lot to offer to the environment as well as to the living beings. Apart from giving oxygen, trees also absorb various harmful gases from the environment, thereby reducing global warming.
Importance of trees in our life
The beauty of our nature is dependent on trees and plants. Without this, nature seems deserted. We know the importance of trees and plants, but still, we do not pay any special attention to these things. Humans and animals have been dependent on plants since ancient times. In the Stone Age, primitive humans used to eat tubers, roots, leaves, fruits, and branches of plants and trees. Then the man did not have any knowledge about civilization.
The primitive man used to cover his body with trees. He used to find his shelter in the trees. He used to climb trees to avoid wild animals. The importance of trees in human life is like a fish without water. We get shade, sweet fruits, medicine, wood from trees. Today man is cutting trees without thinking to fulfill his selfishness. He is not aware of the great harm he is doing to himself and his nature.
Trees also provide us with food and shelter. Many trees bear fruits that serve as food for birds and animals. Humans also give various fruits such as mango, apple, and banana to name a few. The leaves, roots, and bark of the trees are used to prepare medicines.
Trees also provide shelter to animals and humans. The vast, densely forested forests serve as habitats for wild animals and contribute to the rich biodiversity. Wood and other materials extracted from trees are used to craft many things which are essential for a comfortable life.
importance of trees in Hindu religion
Ever since the existence of trees on the earth, till today the trees have followed their religion faithfully, they have been performing the work assigned to them by God, they are the true worshipers of God. Taking care of the lives of all living beings, preventing pollution, and maintaining the balance of climate and environment, he is always seen absorbed in the prayer of God.

From there, the life of aquatic, overland, and amphibious creatures also goes on, that is why all kinds of measures have been given in Hinduism to preserve the wealth of the forest, the wealth of the forest is revered for the Hindu religion. But today’s human is engaged in destroying these forests to fulfill his needs, so think how long can humans survive?
In Hinduism, worship and prayer of all the elements of nature are prevalent and important., because Hinduism believes that nature is the first representative of God, all the elements of nature report the existence of God, that is why nature is called deity, God. and father: it is believed.
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Hinduism has a deep relationship with trees, it is no exaggeration to call Hinduism the religion of trees. It will not happen, because the importance of trees in Hinduism is hardly found in any other religion, this universe has been punished with an inverted tree. Earlier this universe was in the form of a seed and now it is visible in the form of a tree, it is again in the Pralay period; will be in seed form.
According to the scriptures, the person who plants one peepal, one neem, ten tamarinds, three caths, three bel, three gooseberry, and five mango trees, is a pious soul and never sees hell, similarly in all the religious scriptures. The importance of trees and all the elements of nature including trees has been discussed.
Major plants related to Our life
Animals, birds, and plants have been an important part of human life since ancient Vedic times. Plants have also played a major role in developing and keeping human culture alive. Kalpataru trees found in heaven, Ashoka Vatika in Ramayana, on the other hand, the trees and plants inscribed in the seals of Pashupatinath obtained from the Indus Valley Civilization, the archway of Sanchi Stupa, the pictures of plants found in the caves of Anjata Ellora. It proves that whether it is the Vedic period, the ancient period, or the new period, trees and plants have often contributed and important in all.

- Tulsi– Tulsi plant is considered very revered in Indian society and the Hindu religion. That is why Tulsi is given a prominent place in the middle of the courtyard in our house. There has been a practice of offering water to the Tulsi plant as soon as it starts in the morning facing east. It is also said to be auspicious in Vastu Shastra. Our sage Muni knew this, that’s why he advised to plant it in the house because the Tulsi plant releases oxygen.
- Peepal – The biggest feature of the Peepal plant is that the Peepal tree releases oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide. Also, by offering water to Peepal, wealth and prosperity increase, while on Saturday, Shani Dev is pleased by lighting an oil lamp.
- Chandan (Sandalwood)– It is said that thousands of snakes are wrapped on Chandan, but even then sandalwood neither leaves its coolness nor does it reduce its fragrance. Applying Chandan on the forehead in the morning gives coolness to the head. There has been an old Vedic tradition of using sandalwood for tilak in worship.
- Neem – Hardly anyone is unfamiliar with the Neem tree. Neem is known for its bitterness. Everyone will know that even after being bitter, neem is very beneficial for health, but you will not have complete information about what are the benefits of neem or in which diseases you can use neem. . Due to the properties of Neem, it is also called the Kalpa tree of the earth. Usually, people use neem to take advantage of wounds, skin diseases, but the truth is, the benefits of neem are also found in many other diseases.
- Doob: Durva is also called Doob. Everyone knows that Ganesha loves Durva very much. This grass is definitely used during Ganesh Chaturthi Puja. But apart from worship, the benefits of Durva are innumerable. According to Ayurveda, due to the medicinal properties of Durva, it is used as a treatment for many diseases. Durva proves to be very beneficial for diseases like headache, eye pain, nosebleeds, vomiting.
- Banana (Kela): Who will not be familiar with Banana? People all over the world including India eat bananas very fondly. Banana and milk are the favorite food of many people. Banana flower vegetable is also made in many places, while in many places food is eaten in banana leaves. Do you know that banana is also a herb, and the use of the banana in diseases like excessive thirst, wounds, cold cough, etc. benefits? Not only this, but the medicinal properties of bananas are also beneficial in diseases like leprosy, ear diseases, diarrhea, etc.
- Bhringraj: This is a very useful medicinal plant that is used to treat many types of diseases that occur inside or outside the body. Ayurveda practitioners often recommend the consumption of Bhringraj to the patient to prevent hair loss, hair ripening, hair growth, liver, kidney, and many stomach diseases.
Many such trees and plants related to our life have an important place in the gifts given by nature. Trees and plants play an important role in the human life cycle. In this, not only do they meet the needs of food, but they are also ahead in maintaining a delicate balance with the living world – be it the carbon cycle or the pyramid of the food chain, they also achieve the highest position. Because of their usefulness, they are divided into several categories.
In these, medicinal plants have their medicinal value and become a source of income. Medicinal plants have great importance in keeping our body healthy, so there is much evidence of their use in authentic texts like Indian Puranas, Upanishads, Ramayana, and Mahabharata. Hanuman saved the life of Lord Lakshmana through the herbs obtained from it, but even today, it is used by doctors to treat human diseases.
Not only this, due to the wonderful properties of most of the medicinal plants that grow on their own in the forests, people have started worshiping it, such as Tulsi, Peepal, Aak, Banyan, and Neem, etc. The famous scholar Charak has analyzed every type of medicinal plant and has even composed many priceless books for the treatment of diseases, which are being used for the welfare of human beings nowadays.